Howdy ! here you could find some personal projects

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Line graph (Angular 8 and ngx-charts) / 2019

A project to learn angular2, go scripting, and ngx-charts using data from bcra and

Tinder Cats / 2019

A project to learn angular2, material, animations, using the api cat

C# scripts with unity engine / 2019

A project to making two games one dungeon crawler and the last one is a runner

Golang scripts / 2019

Scripts to learn golang

Topic modeling sliders made with reveal.js

Here we require Nutch, Solr, Scrappy, R, bash script, freeling, graphs, and MALLET

Source Code

Terrier, R scripts, TerrierConf, OpenRelevance

Terrier and R scripts used to transform data, about TREC (Text Retrieval Conference) with Terrier

Indec's dataset with D3.js, tableau, google charts js / 2012

Indec data on imports, exports, employment, unemployment in Argentina from 2003 to 2010

Indec's dataset with D3.js, sliders with parallax effect

Indec data on imports, exports, employment, unemployment in Argentina from 2003 to 2010

D3.js, Treemap and FLISol / 2012

Treemap with D3.js about Venezuela's FLISol 2012

Processing.js / 2012

Processing script, this show you bsas satellital images on harvest, from january to december (use mouseover to see).

Apriori / 2012

Apriori (R scripts, which use apriori algorithm)

Homework / 2012

many things untidy

Random forest python, Bash, spss scripting, weka / 2012

J48 algorithm to make many trees

Hyades dataset about stars / 2012

hierarchical clusters about tycho, hypparcos, silhoutte meassure, histogram, box-plot, find cluster similarities

R scripts, UCI dataset / 2012

classify wines and make quality assurance about it

Dancing Souls

dancing souls

On Web2py course (blog based on web2py) @angvp did some code. Giselle and Hernan! On some R scripts, bash scripts for topic modeling, and textmining, but they don't have github user yet..

This was made with ♥

thanks to Nostalgic-Css by the Css template